
Confabulate is a vibrant place where clients and organizations, in both the public and private sector, are guaranteed assistance to assist with growth through a design-based approach. We aim to identify new ways to serve and support organizations by researching their needs and desires. We envision ideas for new companies and brands; design the products, services, spaces, as well as interactive experiences which bring them to life.

Confabulate definition: To talk informally, to hold a discussion, and to fill in gaps in memory by fabrication (2015 Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.) Confabulate’s meaning incorporates our organization’s core mission, as we want our clients to feel comfortable enough to talk freely, confidently, passionately and openly about their business ideas and the needs that they want us to satisfy. The thought process behind the name of our organization was derived through research and design to find a name which correlates with innovation and a consultative approach.
Our logo:

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We chose a black and white globe made up of puzzle pieces because we felt that the puzzle pieces, globe and colour scheme are aspects that reflect our company and ethos. Black and white projects the “what you see is what you get”: our company being simple and straightforward ensuring clients will never be misled. The globe with pieces missing illustrates how we aim to expand our business globally without borders and our desire to connect the pieces of people and communities. This represents the continuous creativity, connection and building that goes into creating a successful end product.

Our vision is to be a hardworking and innovative business committed to success. We are driven and want to be financially successful. The services offered to our clients ensure that they are provided with the most competitive solution for complete customer satisfaction.

Confabulate believes strongly in business ethics and values. We aim to create a business where ethics and morals are key to the way in which we deal with both our clients as well as our staff.

Our mission is to create a company that is innovative and original which will have the resources to easily provide our customers with enough guidance and assistance to create their visions and turn ideas into reality. We strive to become the number one innovative and consulting firm in our geographical area and therefore ensure the continued success to branch out and grow our firm across the country.

Our Core Values:


We always strive to produce excellent work that pushes the clients company upward. We embrace our responsibilities, enjoy the process of solving problems, and provide effective solutions and added value to clients.

Our agency deeply respects the knowledge, skills, ideas, and capabilities that each employee brings to the team.

The work environment is open, honest, collaborative, and family oriented. Employees feel comfortable and confident in sticking their necks out, and trust their ideas will be well received. True collaboration can only exist in an environment of trust.

Employees are fountains of new ideas, fuelling better products, services, and processes. The company embraces laughter, humour, and having fun while working toward a common goal. Employees don’t take themselves too seriously, and use their imaginations to drive innovation.

Employees are dedicated to their work and take full responsibility for their duties. They make well-thought-out decisions that lead to the right changes for the right reasons.

Employees track and measure the company’s innovation activities, evaluate results, and determine what is working and what isn’t. They incorporate lessons into the next phase of a project and into new projects. Employees think critically to continually improve their innovation strategies by using data and analysis, sharing findings with colleagues, and openly communicating about results.

Meet the CEO’s

Casey Sher Ariela Strous and Clare Burger,  All brand strategists and professionals within their work force.


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