Leadership Structures

Example of A Basic Leadership Structure


  1. Founding:

This is done through theories, concepts, and principles. Decision-making is characterized by identification and integration of data and information. Relevant material is categorized and interpreted according to theories, concepts, and principles which relate to the purpose at the time. Style 1 Leaders are synthesizers; they see relationships among facts which, on the surface, seem unrelated. They have great decision making skills however they find people problems both difficult to anticipate and recognize. They are strategic by nature. They are founders and pioneers, like to experiment, and have a high tolerance for ambiguity. Their entrepreneurial goals should be directed into areas where the certainties are few and the outcomes unpredictable. They learn most effectively through visual means.


  1. Managing:

This type of leadership structure is where you will see the intellectual component present as well as practicality. The decision-making done during this process involves analysis and testing of available data and information. Managing plays a huge emphasis on controls, rules, regulations, systems, policies, and procedures. They are concerned about the organisation, highly systematic, and their overall plan contains provisions for every relevant situation. Managers are bureaucratic by nature, tactical and always have a strong sense of what to do and how to take control. Their tolerance for ambiguity is extremely low; and more in favour of efficiency and economy of effort. Their entrepreneurial activities should be channeled into areas which contain as few unknowns as possible so that results over the reasonably near term can be projected with as much accuracy as possible. They learn most effectively through visual means.


  1. Developing:

Issues of character and conviction dominate the development of an organizational structure. Problems are solved and decisions made within a framework of applicable precedent, and which precedent the leader believes to be applicable can be a matter of powerful, personal certitude. Leaders adopt principles and structure from traditional models that have withstood the test of practical experience and are tried and true. They believe that people are good until they have proven themselves otherwise.

People working within this stage will not only try subordinates in various positions in an effort to identify their best niches, but also encourage subordinates to build their own niches around themselves when specific positions can not be easily identified. They are strong team builders, staff development oriented and loyal. They place abundant faith in teaching and coaching and personal, hands-on encouragement. They tend to go the extra mile with their people and are as visibly upset as their subordinates when things don’t work out. They try to do what they think is right.

If a strategy is necessary, they find this from their trusted associates, and this is successful because their style of loyal leadership produces associates they can trust. Their entrepreneurial efforts should include significant people-contact together with the opportunity to bring others along. They are almost always effective communicators; they can sell and much prefer to lead through personal persuasion than the invocation of rules and regulations. They learn most effectively through hearing, as they are believed to be the best listeners.


  1. Inspiring:

People working within this stage experience great difficulty in following the example of others. They have a highly personal internal guidance system, based on intuition and inspiration, which helps them to make good decisions almost immediately. Their problem-solving skills baffle others because of their effectiveness in the absence of formal logic. These leaders are extremely confident in what others can accomplish if they try.

Inspiring people do not plan because they feel intimately involved in a larger, cosmic plan that already exists, and prefer to find their place in that plan through intuitive means. Of all the leaders, their accessibility changes the most with prevailing moods; they are the least self-conscious, invariably idiosyncratic, often mysterious, and sometimes scary. Their entrepreneurial efforts should contain the possibility for unique personal contributions. They tend to have more available energy than the other styles. There appears to be no central tendency in how they learn, although some are not especially observant.

Vida e Caffé’s Leadership Structure  vida-leaf-logo_for-colour-01

The leaders within the Vida business have founded the idea of, managed the coordination of, developed the overall process and inspired employees to work harder as their overall marketing concept of the brand and the key to their success, is to go out of their way to invest in their employees, empowering them throughout their careers with Vida, growing their teams from the ground up, and creating a culture based on teamwork.

Managers also ensure that the Vida business is known for their quality, well rounded and rich flavour profile. Vida has inspired and developed an exquisite selection of Arabica coffees, low in caffeine, delicate, with a delicious aroma, light body and just a touch of acidity to highlight all of its qualities.

Vida has also been founded on the concept of consistent in-cup-quality produced on high quality equipment, serviced and maintained by a team of experienced technicians, who along with their barista’s, work tirelessly to ensure that every coffee extraction is the best it can be.


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