Confabulates Guide to Increasing Innovation and Enhancing Creativity

Remember we are not the sole source of ideas:

  • Be an appreciative audience
  • Ask inspiring questions
  • Allow ideas to develop from the workforce


Enable Collaboration:

  • Confront the single inventor myth
  • Inspire employees to help others succeed
  • Use “coordination totems” – metaphors, analogies and stories – to help teams conceptualize together


Enhance Diversity:

  • Enable people with different backgrounds, skills and personalities to work together
  • Encourage individuals to gain diverse experiences that will increase their creativity
  • Provide the organization with accessibility to outside creative contributors


Map the stages of creativity and tend to their different needs:

  • Avoid process management
  • Provide sufficient time and resources for exploration
  • Manage the handoff to commercialization


Accept the inevitability and utility of failure:

  • Create psychological safety to maximize learning from failure.
  • Recognize the different kinds of failure and establish how they can be useful.
  • Create good mechanisms for filtering ideas.


Motivate with intellectual challenge:

  • Protect the front end from commercial pressure
  • Clear paths creative ideas
  • Let people excel
  • Show the higher purpose of projects whenever possible
  • Grant as much independence as possible to employees

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